5 Best Books Every Beginner Programmer Should Read.

Books Every Beginner Programmer Should Read

Programming is the process of instructing the computer to perform a set of tasks using the language the computer understands. Programming languages help harness the power of computers to arrive at logical, relevant solutions at a fraction of the time and cost. But Where to Learn From? In this blog, we will tell you about 5 Best Books Every Beginner Programmer Should Read.

Programming requires application domains, algorithms, and programming language expertise, writing code is one part of programming. 

Reading more about programming helps not just in learning new concepts, and brushing up the old learning but also helps build an analytical thought process, and problem-solving skills, and better the actual coding, which every developer needs to do. There are many books which can help you to learn programming in a better way.

Let’s take a look at some of the important books every developer should possess.

Books Every Beginner Programmer Should Read

The Clean Coder

This book comes at the top of the list for a reason.  Robert C. Martin talks about the disciplines, techniques, tools, and practices of software development. And more than the technicality, it addresses the attitude towards software development approaching it with honor, self-respect, and pride, treating it as a craft. It also contains important lessons for beginner-level developers like time and schedule management, handling pressure and burnout, the flow of coding and obstacles faced, and how to navigate them. 

An all-encompassing book is great for every developer. 

The Pragmatic Programmer:

The increasing specialty and broadening technology can become overwhelming for a lot of developers, however, this book by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas is like a guide through the labyrinth and talks about the core process of writing working, maintainable codes flexible, dynamic, and adaptable. 

It sheds light on capturing real requirements, testing effectively, and making development precise with automation. With interesting anecdotes and analogies, concepts explained through stories like “The Stone Soup” or the “The Boiling Frog”, “DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself” and “Rubber Duck Debugging”, this book is another from the list of must-reads for developers. 

JavaScript: The Good Parts:

This book by Douglas Crockford builds a case for much-defamed Javascript. Javascript is often dismissed as unfit for a programming language due to its loose typing, freewheeling coercions, and inconsistent semantics. It doesn’t even have a proper integer or array type as in the other programming languages. However, this book attempts to unravel a subset of Javascript which is reliable, readable, and maintainable and can be used to create extensible and efficient codes. Some of the aspects of Javascript explored in this book include syntax, objects, functions, inheritance, arrays, regular expressions, methods, styles, and beautiful features. If you are learning Javascript, this book can be of immense value.

Cracking the Coding Interview

This book written by software engineer Gayle Laakmann McDowell promises to introduce the questions actually asked in a coding interview. 

The Phoenix Project

A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win- Something for the fiction lovers. Along with our hero Bill, the readers get a chance to explore the nitty gritty of the IT world and learn how to spearhead IT infrastructure changes within their organizations. Written by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford, all with an extensive backgrounds in IT, have written interesting stories with real-world situations and solutions.

Refactoring, Improving The Design of Existing Code

Refactoring is the process of improving the design of existing code without changing its behavior. This book by Martin Fowler explains how software practitioners can enhance software maintainability and make existing codes easier to understand. The recent editions include the updated refactoring catalog and address the challenges within the new programming languages landscape.  An excellent book for beginners to understand the concept of refactoring, when and how to use it, and build solid tests to assess your refactoring. 

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